our venue


DSV meetings are held at
Mount Waverley Community Centre,
47 Miller Street,
Mount Waverley Vic.
Melways 70 E 1 - see map


The next DSV meeting



Sunday 26 May

Please arrive at 1.30 pm. It will allow us to start at 2.00 pm sharp.

We aim to keep the formalities short at our AGM which is to be held on Sunday 26 May. We’re all keen to move onto the day’s main feature. To be eligible to vote or nominate for the DSV Committee, you need to be a paid-up member. We invite you to consider standing for a position yourself. New ideas and new energy are always welcome at the DSV. It has now become essential for our future that we have new people joining the Committee. It will allow those who need to step aside from the DSV Committee to do so without undue strain and stress.

We’re a friendly bunch and joining us gives you the opportunity to contribute directly to the DSV and find out more about us.

Our presenter for the next DSV meeting on 26 May 2024 is Eve Dembowski who will speak about “The difference between Modern and Traditional Astrology”

Eve is a practising Astrologer, flower Essence therapist, a published Writer and Lecturer with a particular interest in Horary and Traditional Astrology. She’s studied Astrology since 1995 and her passion for Traditional Astrology began in 1999. Her ruling planet Jupiter and the preponderous Sagittarius energy in her chart directs her passion for reconnecting people to the philosophical roots, power and magic of their astrological lineage. She is a tutor for the School of Traditional Astrology, lecturing and administrating the Australia-friendly time zone horary practitioner course. She’s written and presented her own “The Foundation of Astrology” course, an interactive course that focuses on traditional delineation of the birth chart.

Eve’s view is that the current state of the world mirrors our modern obsession with matter and individuality. For over 2000 years Astrology was not so focused on the individual and their process, but rather on human being’s relationship to the Devine, as reflected in the Cosmos. She wonders whether it’s now time to reclaim the wisdom of the past and redefine Astrology in accordance with its lineage.

Eve’s presentation will focus on

  • What Astrology can tell us. Why do it?
  • The historical and philosophical roots of Astrology
  • The development of the modern Paradigm Power of Paradox
  • Reason & Critical Thinking versus Magical Thinking
  • Astrology as a Language – Who is Speaking?
  • The Power of Paradox

This promises to be another great presentation, so we suggest you invite your friends along for this meeting too.

To contact Eve Dembowski in Mebourne, Australia, call 0401 847 412.

Weekly Online Dowsing

Each Friday, Heather Wilks and fellow dowser, Frances Peterson, hold a short dowsing session to address the energies associated with world problems. The Intention is to welcome in Peace for a New Golden Era.

They’ve been faithfully leading this initiative for over four years. Heather now begins with a Full Court of Atonement (FCOA) then the online dowsing. Following that, she offers a guided group visualisation. It helps encourage us to peacefully imagine how we’d like to bring about transformation. A number of DSV members, along with dowsers from Australia and overseas, meet on the call when their time allows.

You’re invited to join in at 12 noon (AEST). Just go directly to Zoom with these details:

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82228820878
Meeting ID: 822 2882 0878 Passcode: 324825
Alternatively, you can later watch and dowse along to the replay on Facebook.
Go to Heather Wilks’ Facebook page, “Dowsing for Australia and Beyond” (Frances Peterson’s Facebook group) and/or “How to dowse with rods and pendulums” (DSV, Mick Moran’s Facebook group).